Monday, 10 January 2011

My 2010 in pictures.

This last year I have found a bit of a challenge if I'm honest. I've battled recovery from my second round of Post Natal Depression, gotten through a blip with my eating , tried and failed to conceive and tried to be the best I can be at being a mum and wife. I've not always been successful but I've given everything I've done my best shot.

I want to concentrate in 2011 on being more motivated and testing myself. I can easily slip into being introverted and cut myself off from others around me and this year I want to take that in hand and try and do more things that challenge that tendency.

Anyway, here's a quick summary of 2010 in some of my favourite pictures.

we started 2010 happy. 
A seriously bad bought of Noro virus struck
Caleb was very ill indeed

Caleb got his first shoes
We had proper snow in February. First time I've seen here in 17 years.
Caleb had his first trip to the farm park and great fun on trampoline

Monkeys were a hit
After much worry and strife over his eating Caleb eventually took solids in march age 16 months
I started my first ever garden project and gutted it. Not finished but looking forward to finishing this year.

We had a few lovely weeks of sun which meant trips to the beach with Caleb who loved it. 
Caleb had his first ever hospital dash and this is him the next day. Thankfully all ok now.
Sophie cut a dash as a cat for Halloween
Caleb met Santa for the first time ever and quite frankly thought he rocked.
CCIF's Gerrard came to stay
Caleb turned 2 and had his first proper party which was fab.

He plucked up the courage to play on the chute all by himself
Sophie and Caleb got another cousin thanks to my sister and her hubby in November.

All in all it's been some year.

I am optimistic for this year and hope everyone has a happy and healthy one.

Happy belated New Year everyone.


  1. That's a great summary of the year. You missed that he started walking though?
    I am sure we will be able to get Caleb and the little one together this year and they'll have a ball!

  2. Blimey. You're right. Two most important things he started walking and talking. LOL tbh I couldn't source my photos of him walking on the laptop. A whole stack seem to be missing. :o(

  3. Thanks for joining in. Judging is underway!


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