Saturday 15 May 2010

Happy Mummy= Happy Kiddies

We moved into this house 3 and a half years ago and we have done the odd bit to the back garden like put up a fence and build a shed but the last few weeks I've needed something to get my teeth into as Ive been a bit down. My mum who's a super keen and good gardener suggested growing some veggies which would mean I would have to build my own veggie patch etc as our whole garden was just grass. So I did, and the gardening and landscaping bug well and truely struck. In two weeks I have trellised the fence and trained the plants up it, built a veggie patch and planted, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, rocket and all manner of herbs. I built the patios and edged the whole garden with coping and wooden mini fencing. I've planted strawberries in hanging baskets at the shed, and in a huge tub at the bottom of the garden and have transported and nursed a dying rodidendron (spelling) to a tub next to the shed. I've also planted a raised flowerbed under the kitchen window which cant be seen here. On friday there I couldnt find anything to do in the garden so I pulled everything out of the shed and cleaned it out. I have never done gardening or outdoor work before as I'm not a huge fan of dirt and oogey stuff, but Im loving this project. I get the ipod on and my music up full and really loose myself in the whole experience. This picture was taken before some of the stuff was done and to be honest its still not finished yet but I will need to take another when the whole garden is done and the sun is shining.

Where was the little chap while I did all this and built patios etc? Well, he was here, sleeping. He loves a good nap in the afternoons so while he sleeps I get me time. I find it helps lift my mood and gives me a sense of achievement which benefits the kids too as I'm a happier mummy a the moment doing all this, and a happier Mummy means happier kiddies.

As you can see from Calebs face its meaning happiness all round in our house. Theres been less bad moods from him and more laughs all round. This makes me a very happy mummy.

I always poo-pooed my mum when she said that my stress rubbed off on the kids but I'm believing it now for sure. Long may it continue.


  1. When your strawberries are ready, Blondei Boy and I are coming over to bake a crumble :)

  2. haha cool honey. You're more than welcome to. There should be plenty. Im hoping it'll be a garden the kids can play in soon safe and clean. Be nice to have you down.xx


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